Friday, June 3, 2011

The Least of These

This blog is a result of a conversation that I had recently with someone who encouraged me to share the ups and downs of working in an inner city ministry. Since I have only managed to get two newsletters out in the last almost four years a blog seemed more appropriate.  We meet amazing people and are able to witness God working in amazing ways. Due to time constraints we often don't get to share the big and little victories that we have the privelege of seeing on a day to day basis.  We often don't get to share the struggles either. Hopefully this will be a forum for both of those things to happen and a chance to those who are unfamiliar with inner city minsitry to get a taste of what life is like for those stuck in generational poverty and those of us who try to help them. So here is the first post.....Baby University is a parenting program for low income parents in Toledo's Old South End....

She sat at the table and just cried.  “Why are you people so nice to me?”  This single mom of three and one on the way had been scraping by so much that she had recently lost the use of her car. She couldn’t make the payment so a family member offered to make the payment for her, only he took the car for the month in exchange.  This left her struggling to get to the store, GED classes, etc. Any time she wanted to go anywhere she had three little ones in tow and she herself very pregnant. No matter the weather or time of day, whenever they needed to go somewhere, they all walked. Do you remember how cold and rainy the month of April was in Toledo? No fun, but not uncommon in WAM’s neck of the woods. Once Baby U became aware of her struggle, we were able to buy her a bus pass for the month, hence the tears. “ This really is a special program, and you are a one of a kind person” she remarked….”you give us hope.” At that moment we were able to share with her that it really isn’t just Baby U caring for her, someone else is really looking out for her too and that someone else is her Heavenly Father. She smiled and said, “Yes, I can see that.” The bus pass seemed like such a small thing but to her it was an affirmation that God cares for a struggling single mom and that maybe, just maybe there is something to all of this. To all of you who have donated your time , money and resources this year to Baby U we thank you. Tomorrow we will graduate our third class of parents and none of it would have been possible without the Body of Christ working together in the beautiful way that you have. Whatever thing you have done for us be it small or big, it was HUGE in the eyes of our parents and in God’s eyes as well .  ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine ( or sisters), you did for me.’  Matthew 25:40.

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